This makes me sad...
Not because it's grafiti, but because I have never seen someone spray an actual art on the walls before.

Nooo!!! You don't understand. We work so hard... We deserve 15 dollars per hour for this job, that requires weeks of training. It's art...
(Meanwhile, self checkout Costa coffee machine)

People are still arguing over these, so I decided to re-upload them here and ask the local masters of graphics.

Why do some people think, that this looks like a groundbreaking graphics, while others believe it is a blury ugly mess?

We literally are looking at the same screenshots, so why are people so divided over them?

2024 was still a best year of my life. My social ranking got from 1 to 2, maybe even 3. Not to mention, that anything above 0 is worth celebrating.

I am slowly pitting my life together, and although I didn't lose weight, at least I did get a hobby worth doing. So much so, that now, it is getting in a way of gaming.

Also, I am feeling a lot better then in 2020. So, the little bit of fitness did have some measurable results. I hope you guys find at least a bit of happiness too in 2025.

And as always, the depression from the next milestone alone hits hard.

Watching a new year presidental speech....
Literally the first claim:

Did you know, that hungry childern in war torn countries have it worse then you?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.