Gotta love how she unironically thinks, that she is saying something philosophical.
Did you know, that rape is bad??? Well, here's the issue. So is murder. Why do I feel, like her DND campaigns also contain murders?
I love, how special do these NPC bitches feel about rape in their necromancy-enhanced mass murder simulations.
I consider both sides to be wokies and nationalists. I do not see Trump as a right winger in any significant way.
It's such a weird thing just how much hate towards libertarians is comming from both sides -_-
Oh yes... The neurotic SJW women are famous for HATING the very idea of videogames. There's a fucking reason, that the very first political battle on the woke front was the infamous gamergate.
I might not have a mental model to why it is so, but the evidence seems to be absolute.
But, this does somehow not apply to the autistic women in the slightest either. 🤔 10 fucking years later, and I still cannot wrap my head around it.
Takže, typický člen každé skupiny je ve středním věku...
To víš, za to může ta má láska ke svíčkové a pájení.
Jen nevím, jak to zjistili.
Tak je to potvrzené. mám 53 let, podprůměrné vzdělání a odmítám myšlenky
Mimochodem, toto je opravdu bizár. Místo toho, aby se zeptali na 15 faktorů ohledně globálního oteplování se zeptají na tu samou otázku 15krát.
Yes, the slogan was the meakest way of begging people to reconsider what they're about to do. But noone listened. I get your point, but this was the breaking point. That is why it's important to remember. This was the open condemnation of color blindness on a society wide scale.
You could possibly reason around "it's ok to be white". But this one was a proclamation so clear, that I call it a conceptual nuke.
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When you don't let people abuse your kids.
LukeAlmighty DO NOT have any pronouns. You can only refer to LukeAlmighty by LukeAlmighty's name. Please, be tolerant of this.
Please be patient, LukeAlmighty have autism
I you are in Czech republic, DM me, I'll be happy to grab a beer with you
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