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Well, that was your attempt. I did say that your next post in any thread is your attempt. So, you don’t think that killing innocent Whites should yield any punishment. Why is it okay to kill innocent Whites but not innocent blacks? This one is freeform.

Am in a bus, and the driver blasts the radio about as loud, as an action movie in a cinema.

Tim Pool unironically asked, why would a woman want to look young...

His IQ is oscilating faster, then modern instruments can measure. I DONG GET IT!!!

@WashedOutGundamPilot Whatever did we do as a species before professional "lactation consultants"?

After many drinks, my co-worker asked me, if we have the "age stereotypes" in Czech republic, about when it's good to get married..

Now, I believe in miracles, because I managed to not get fired yesterday.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.