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Why is there so many space sandbox games lately?

Don't get me wrong, I love them, and would love to some day make my own, but still, most of them are seriously lacking a unique selling point.

Is it me, or are global service crashes becoming somewhot more frequent lately?

@mk @LukeAlmighty
i prefer to call it the antiwhite moral imperative

putting her in that job takes her out of the home, a white man out of a job and a white presidents life in mortal danger.

so its exactly what someone that hates white people would do.

Noo. You don't get it.
Superman's stories are so great, because they do delve into the nature of what it is to be a good american man. They aren't just one dimensional power fantasies of a god with literally all the powers author could think of.

He really needed both laser eyes and ice breath, because without it, the planet busting strenght, flight, speed and shooting mini supermans just wouldn't be able to capture the human condition so well.

One thing changed last week.

For a long time, I knew, that democrats were insane, but also, that Trump was NOT REALLY THAT RADICAL. That was quite a shame.

But....... Now, there is a quite big chance, that he will in fact finally get radical. Because if a bullet through your head doesn't wake you up, I have no idea what will.

I just saw Asmongold call Uber a begining of neo-faudalism....

Is that the most dellusional take I've ever heard?

The retarded side of the internet 

A jedi says "I loved you" to a padawan (read: adopted daughter)

Youtubers: :blobangery: he's a pedofile....

I love how unhinged the political conversation has become.

He still believes, that his first priority is democracy...... while fully loving murder of a trump voter.

We will truly live in an interesting time.

I knew the Acolite was going to be ""good"", but I didn't expect it to be this retarded.

It is literally daddy issues, the TV show. The finale is about a women killing her daddy for daring to protect and raise her.

You cannot make this up :pepelol:

Oh my god, I am getting old already 

I just saw stars from the pressure of..... coughing once.

I'm so far still below 30, but I couldn't believe how better my life got after I finally quit the school.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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