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Sorry bro, i can't sell you rubbers but I can cut on your ballsack.​

Our government just outlawed the creation of fake porn of other people. I wouldn't mind ban on sharing or any other kind of disinfo, but creation is just an insanely wide net. Also, why do they love the meatbag porn industry filled with drugs and extortion so much that they ban a victimlesss alternative?

Do they seriously have nothing better to do? Really? This is their best?

Why did I ask... They just outlawed Energy drinks for people under 15. I am seriously starting to believe that they are unironically trying their best to make our lives miserable by removing both bread and circuses from our lives.

Also............. It kinda makes me want to poast.

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I'm torn between "we're in the most reddit timeline possible" and "okay this is hilarious."
A reminder that California is a piece of shit state that's literally worse than any 3rd world shithole at counting votes:

>Almost everything in modern life has become faster, so why does tallying votes take longer in California than in the days of horse and buggy?

>The short answer: Democrats in Sacramento have adopted election rules to help liberal groups turn out low-propensity voters.


>The longer counting takes, the more doubts can spread about voter integrity, especially in close races.

No shit Sherlock.
After years of pretending that the insane, genocidal anti-White scum who ran Big Tech were politically moderate technocrats, the MSM now keeps pushing the meme that Twitter under Elon Musk represents the "extreme right".

Non-Elon Big Tech literally carried out mass crackdowns on anyone acknowledging biological reality - what does it even take for the MSM to characterize a major US institution as "far-left"?
Funny development: I can no longer access DRC from my home's Internet connection.

FSE works fine, though.

Tried with the phone's data pack and it works. Tried on a VPN (how I'm here now) and it works too., NCD and Gab are all accessible, so it's unlikely the ISP decided to ban fediverse instances. Also, it's more unlikely the ISP knows what a fediverse is.

This is serious. :0390: I might try applying all of my IT knowledge here: I might try restarting the router.

If that doesn't help, see you on FSE. :kek_pain:
90s hardware have 30+ lifespans
00s hardware have 20 year lifespans
10s hardware have 10 year lifespans
20s hardware die immediately
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.