What even is technology?

I was just thinking about the time travel stories, and realized, that there is one strange question I cannot answer.

How do you decide what year does a technology become "manafacturable".

This question might sound strange, but if you give a renesance age emperor a detailed plan of a modern computer, he cannot manafacture it no matter how much detail you give to him.

On the other hand, if you give medieval king a detailed plans of an airplane, there is a chance that 10 smiths might be able to eventually manafacture one...

There are so many technologies, that I simply wander what was the last technology needed to create it...

Why am I even wasting my brain power on this shit?


@LukeAlmighty To try to answer your question; Whenever the metreals that are needed for the tec are able to be made and when ever the experience to make such object are gained then the invention could be made.

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