
I'm starting to notice culturally at least, in the United States there seems to be a bigger and bigger divide between people who are just NPCs and people who are free thinker, enjoyers.

I've also noticed that a large segment of the NPCs don't understand basic history in the slightest which is extremely scary to me.

@Mr_NutterButter those who understand history are doomed to watch retards who are barely literate and preoccupied with marvel movies and sportsball repeat it.

@Mr_NutterButter they don't "understand" history, because the "history" they were taught is full of gaps, omissions and/or outright falsehoods.

Also, the history Americans are taught is largely focused just on the 20th century, in particular the World Wars onwards.

@Aldo2 @Mr_NutterButter And the civil war and slavery to make sure White people are named, blamed, and shamed. As well, and for the same reasons, what "we" did to native americans.

@cowanon @Mr_NutterButter

ok, yeah, I should have corrected myself.

*Only "history" that makes Why Peepo look bad.

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