
Fedi is the only place to where you can casually like porn on your normal account and everyone is perfectly okay with it, it's not abnormal at all

@Mr_NutterButter Your likes are also private on fedi. I don't get why it's not on twitter.
@hazlin @Mr_NutterButter I mean this is just whatever but I can't see your entire like history from your account. You can do that on twitter and i think it enables creeps?
@ehhh @Mr_NutterButter Oh, I didn't realize twitter showed them all in a list, that sounds terrible xD Honestly, I'd prefer private likes even in the Fedi.
@hazlin @Mr_NutterButter yeah twitter is fucking creepy you cannot control the privacy of your likes. good thing I never interact with it LOL

also if you have twitter make sure to uncheck this because this is enabled by default! (good thing I'm always on a VPN)
@ehhh @Mr_NutterButter Naa never touched it, Gab was my first social media platform. And, then I upgraded to Poast xD
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