
Honestly, I'm kinda glad I've resisted the urge to seek out sex / sexual interactions just for the sake of it.

I really do want to have a wife and family and don't want a dirty pass.

But man, the magnetic urge towards pussy / dick is incredibly hard.

But I always have to remember Titties Are Temporary. Glory Is Forever!

Sex is worthless without love. Love's the most important thing.

@Alex I know that that's why I'm ok with waiting.

But as someone who's never experienced it. The allure of it is intoxicating.

Similar to how when you were a teen, and never drink alcohol in your life you're extremely anxious and you really want to try it. But once you try it the first time or more times you realize it's a mid thing, it's okay I guess.

@Mr_NutterButter "sex is a distraction I'm on the grind trying to finish this and make $50,000" - tokyospliff

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