
I've never really had a favorite artist.

I typically just listen to any music that I enjoy and most of the time I only like one song that one artist made.

However within the last 2 years I've grown to really enjoy "The Aviators" their an indie alternative, orchestral, and synthwave musician.

Almost all of their songs I enjoy and what makes it even better is that they have such a unique flavor to their songs because a lot of them are based off of the soul series. A lot of them are much longer in length than what a typical song is.

Their music just has a certain atmosphere to it that just grips me.

Anyone else feel the same?

@Mr_NutterButter i think i've heard a little bit from them, good from what i remember

@beardalaxy I may be a little biased but I've been enjoying their newest release A lot.

But my absolute favorite has to be this banger of a classic! This is the atmosphere that I love so much!

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