
So I've agreed that in my world building.

Obsidian is a kind of moldable magical Play-Doh that people can make weapons and armor out of but I don't know what it should do or why you're able to mold it like Play-Doh.

But I just want my men and women to run around in scantily clad outfits while having cool as fuck black armor that's extremely powerful and I can't think of a lore idea or justification on how to do this.

@Mr_NutterButter there doesn't have to be a lore reason, sometimes making it a lore reason can make it too cheesy like you're being a tryhard. just make them scantily clad and go for it.

@Mr_NutterButter Obsidian is really brittle in real life, a bit like glass or a crystal. There is a theory that glass panes are actual a really REALLY slow moving liquid. What about some sort of sonic technology that takes the solid crystalline structure and turns it into liquid with specially tuned vibrations. If you manipulate it just right you can get a state between solid and liquid where it's maliable.

@Mr_NutterButter this would kind of like how the sandworms "swim" around arrakis.

@ned that's actually really brilliant because I knew the fact that some solid substances are just really slow liquids but I never put the two together.

>There is a theory that glass panes are actual a really REALLY slow moving liquid
That's been debunked. That theory was created to explain why a lot of ancient glass panels were thicker at the bottom than at the top, but we eventually discovered that it was just a side effect of the method used to produce the panels. They'd typically be installed with the thick part at the bottom for structural reasons, but there have actually been some found that were installed incorrectly with the thick part on the side or on top.
I always love when a fantasy setting goes "what if this debunked theory from the real world was actually true in the setting"

@Alex and the thing is I could make it realistic because a vital part of the world is going to be the people's tattoos which I call solar threading and I could probably implement a rule that when they activate their tattoos is able to create a vibrational wave or some bullshit that it's basically a turn on button that makes the unique obsidian have a liquid basis similar to like a symbiote like venom to where you could wear it as like a suit or armor to where it's like Play-Doh.

@Alex There's just something I find autistically appealing around the idea of a liquid like obsidian Play-Doh that you can create weapons and armor out of.

If the "obsidian" itself is a magical substance rather than real-world obsidian, you've got a few options to explain it. It could require a specific spell to temporarily make it malleable enough to mold into armor, maybe something about the spell reacting with the magic inside of it to shape it. If you did something like that you could even have a distinction between molded obsidian and raw obsidian - raw obsidian could possibly be more brittle and glassy like real world obsidian, while the magically molded stuff becomes much sturdier and stronger because its magic has been activated.
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