Let's spread our existence throughout the cosmos!

:ancom: :disability: : No! Space colonization is just the logical conclusion of the capitalist notion of infinite growth and settler colonialism. We should instead focus on problems here on Earth like poverty and climate change.
:windmillofpeace: ✝️ : No! That's just an insult to God who made this Earth for us. We should instead colonize Africa.

Both the far-left and far-right cases against space colonization are fucking dumb.

Sure, there is a lot of grifters out there like that Mars One scam from a few years ago, and I don't see it happening anytime soon, but I still feel like it's a goal worth pursuing.

This is another lame argument against space colonization that I keep on hearing. Sure, life would probably won't be ideal for the settlers, but what will keep them going is knowing that they have purpose. Living in a pod on Mars will be much different than living in a pod on Earth where the only reason to do so is to appease the wishes of some technocratic psychopaths.

Also, news flash: you don't have to go there if you don't want to.


@xianc78 These people just wants to deny humanities rightful place as an inner stellar species. And technically if we can keep expanding in the Stars we technically have an infinite wild West, which means that people are more free in space, theoretically.

@Mr_NutterButter I see it as two things:

1. A reaction to Elon Musk being a total fraud, along with other people grifting on the space hype. Sure, I don't trust Elon Musk either and I'm open to the idea that most (if not all) of the things SpaceX are claiming to do are fake. Hell, I don't even fully trust NASA. I think the moon landings were a fraud, but I think anyone who does care about space should point out frauds when they see them because if we don't chances are that we will NEVER actually walk on the moon or do the cool things that these people are claiming to do.
2. It's just the "return to tradition" mentality taken to the extreme. The only way to be even more extreme is to deny science all together and embrace flat-earth theory.

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