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Fuck it!

It's time to be on the grind

I'm already learning a skill from scratch let's go even harder!

I'm now on my weight lost ark!

I don't ask for aid. I don't ask for reinforcements.

I simply ask for your RAGE!

You ever wonder why women naturally like to have longer hair?

Or why a lot of men nowadays are attracted to Femboys & Tomgirls?

Honestly I feel like I'm useless sometimes.

It's probably why I've been obsessed with learning useful skills

I can


Deep Clean

Use a Typewriter

Use all Microsoft programs.
HTML + CSS + a little JavaScript

Operate a print shop of those are really high and expensive machines.

Full understanding of photography on a professional level.

Video editing advanced
+ After effects

Package and book designer


UI / UX designer

Full understanding of Western and Eastern history.

General understanding of every subject on a high end baseline.

This is everything I can think off the top of my head. But even with all of this I still feel like I'm unless.

Day 2 of me learning digital art from scratch trying to construct a basic human face and completely failing at it.

I definitely did improve from the first drawing but not to the extent that I should have.

It's because I can't make circles round enough.

Total time I spent today was around 1 hour and something minutes I didn't really keep track.

You know maybe it's a good thing that I never learned how to draw...

I already started my session today and I somehow drew an alien who uses Reddit trying to buy a rapper to give him a blowjob.

My intrusive thoughts are winning and now there illustrated.....

DAY 1!

So I felt inspired by PewDiePie's 30 day and 100 drawing everyday.

So I decided to do the exact same thing.

What makes this even more fun it's the only time I've ever drawn in my life has been with pencil and pen so I'm learning how to do everything completely digitally.

It feels really weird because everything feels very weightless and you can't feel the pressure of the paper.

Don't worry I do have a drawing tablet I'm not trying with a mouse, if you can probably tell by the first drawing I spent the most time on the Among Us & second on Joseph Stalin with nipples.


This is question for all artists where's a good place to find a themed color palette?

I just feel like I'm not normal.

I have never felt romantically attracted to anyone. I feel absolutely nothing. I don't know what wrong with me.

Like, I can find someone attractive but I don't feel anything more then that surface level.

Why can't I be normal

I do find this really interesting.

I only really like to play class based games or games with characters that have abilities in them.

I always seem to gravitate towards characters that are disruptors or characters that that purposely fucks with other people.

Bonus points if I can be creative with them and do things that people never expect. Cuz it's truly not a game until you're questioning what just happened at your kill screen XD.

What characters / archetypes do you guys naturally gravitate towards?

Wanted to practice if I can make a similar cracked text effect similar to the Elden ring logo. If I spent an hour on this I could probably make it look pretty close but considering this was only like a 20 minute practice I think it turned out pretty well.

Also I already had a gold stone text effect that I used
When I tried to make a text of this game title so I just reuse the text again.

Games not related to this, I just happen to reuse the text again.

I may have gone a little unhinged today.

My professor was talking about economics and some politics stuff and he asked a simple question of why is there a restriction on Americans doing business in Canada.

I then asked the question how mean can I be...

He said you could be as mean as you want.

I then proceeded to go on talking about how dog shit Canadian businesses are in comparison to American ones to a point to where everyone was looking at me shocked XD

The American exceptionalism shined a little too strong in that moment...

Bright side I was given extra credit and points for a very detailed answer :D

I truly despise the men in charge. Rotting in hell isn't enough.

Europe's being sworn by rapist and the US is being sworn by Chinese spies.

Truly The darkest timeline.

My music album covers are just a vibe.

Anyone else do the same thing?

Recolored both of them using my new color palette.

Everything should feel a lot more saturated while also more light...

@galena Wait a minute!

Are you bi or gay?

I vaguely remember asking you this, I think you said gay but I've seen you commission lesbian porn before.

So now I've just confused myself.....

I did some texture work to my redesign of the Palworld logo and made it look a little bit more ethereal while still grounded in a RPG, fantasy adventure feeling.

The West has fallen.

Biden made his very first tiktok.....

If I ever see a politician or world leader on tiktok, no matter how good there ideas are I'm never voting for them

I just stayed up for the entire night and banged out a 3,000 word essay relating around the supreme Court and their decision making in three different supreme Court cases.

Victory, Just as The Founding Fathers Intended!

WIP haven't had time to get the little guy to pose yet but I decided to choose a color palette for a artist who draws in a flat stylized way and a change in color can really do wonders.

Think I just came up with a genius idea!

If we can figure out a functional government structure for Africa in general then we've cracked the code to a perfect government.

This has to be one of the most impractical and hardest things to theorycraft ever. But I know that we are smart enough to figure It out.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.