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@noyoushutthefuckupdad this is something I've always wanted to know but never looked up do women actually have a slower metabolism than men?

@coolboymew I don't think I've ever seen anyone actually role play in Gmod? I've always seen people just trolling in these servers. Like do people actually role play???

I think, I think like a paradox.

Okay I know that was the tongue twister but let me explain.

So antinataliem and Eflilsm is the ultimate form of deconstruction of existence. And their main point is just the mere fact of the existence of pain or suffering and how no existence guarantees that neither happens so it is there for a good and they always refer to how a child or person can't consent to being created and I is another large point.

But maybe I think weirdly but just the mere fact of existence itself is a positive to where nonexistent is a negative because experience of something is a positive. I'm not really sure how to explain it but just the idea of experiencing something opposed to not experience it at all even if it is negative experience is a positive to me I don't know maybe I'm thinking weirdly!?

I think that's also what a lot of people inherently. Because the idea of the afterlife is inherently written in the idea of experiencing more of something.

@coolboymew some of the most entertaining computer content has to be where some guys like "Hey guys! I found this computer from 1998 abandoned on the bottom of this lake, can we see if we can get it to run Minecraft!? In "insert current year" "

@icedquinn I still find it extremely honorable and funny how I think it was the ex ceo or the creator of Costco threatened to kill the current CEO if he even thought of raising the hot dog price.

capitalism simulator but you have to keep the costco hotdog at 1$

@Arty24 I don't understand this mentality & I've seen this from other races to. Their obsession with needing to douse food with an obscene amount of spices & seasoning.

Most of the time a little salt pepper and a tiny bit of onion is more than enough.

@BlinkRape I know that there is a difference between copyright and patents I don't care enough to type it

@icedquinn Personally I think it should only be a maximum of 10 years but it puts pressure on the inventor or author to create everything they need to create before it expires.

However I could definitely compromise at 20 because I know a lot of different inventions and medicine takes years to create and they definitely want to generate a large profit for it.

It's still insane the irreparable damage that Disney has done to copyright law.

@icedquinn We should just kind of get rid of copyright laws and any laws relating to that because it doesn't really do anything other than stifle creativity and innovation and it's a crime that people can sit on IPS in different inventions for almost 100 years and do nothing with them and then right before it's about to be released to the public domain all of a sudden they start pumping stuff out it's insane!

I don't know if anyone can relate to this but I refuse to hold or participate with religious items.

The reason for this is I feel like my soul would dirty such a revenant and sacred object. I am unworthy even glancing at something so above me.

I'm a disgusting unreligious tainted soul.

There's just some kind of mental block. I just can't find any faith in any higher power even though I desperately want to.

I wish I would have been raised religious as a kid.

@beardalaxy The great Soyification.

Looking through a lot of their letters and things that they actually wanted to implement into the government but never made it through really opened my eyes to how truly based the founding father's were and the only reason this stuff didn't go through is because they had a fight with other people who weren't as based as them.

It truly is sad that great men are handicapped by bugmen.

@icedquinn That's actually quite brilliant.

Who would have guessed it would have been that easy

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