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@meowski Maybe the bird just doesn't give a fuck. And is having fun fucking with her mind.

@meowski there are plenty of animals who just fuck and do random shit doesn't mean that the animal thinks any further than that.

If a cat is completely raised by a bunch of dogs it will start trying to bark doesn't mean that it's a dog.

@lain Trust me. Middle managers are horny they just conceal it.

Think about it! There wouldn't be so many movies about middle managers and how they have a depressing or spiraling life if that wasn't a compounding Factor.

@meowski I don't even know how to respond to that.

The animal doesn't care about gender it just fucks whatever it wants to fuck.

Went on a 12-game losing streak got out of grandmaster finally won three games and immediately back.

Somehow I wasn't even tilted, I was just listening to music accepting everything.

PS1 disc drive finally went kaput for good. (At least it's easy to get a new one and I have a PS2...)

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Okay I'm now starting my elicit business in Kenshi wish me luck.

Those bandits don't know what's about to hit them

Because it's the new year I decided to shave and I have shaved in almost 5 years.

I feel like a baby and I look multiple years Younger.

Only 4 months to grow it back!

Yes tell me Mr. Boomer how I created safe spaces and gender theory at 12 years old. Literally the worst fucking people on the planet.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.