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The Salmon of Knowledge - Cast Paper - Celtic art - Irish art - Gaelic - Ireland - Wisdom - bradán feasa - Irish Mythology by Castpaper

There is some features at Adobe still hasn't implemented after constant complaint.

Most of them are niche but still.

How can you not add a border to video and premiere pro but you can do it in any other program?

How can you not open PDF in InDesign when that's like a core element of it??? They did add it in the beta but why did it take this long.

Why is after effects the only program that you can create folders in and create an additional tab within a tab.

It's small things like this that are really annoying that a lot of people run into if they use the software regularly.

Guys I've achieved something almost no 20 something year old has achieved.

I cleaned my room and folded my clothes properly.

And even put up decorations to make my room look better.

The perception of how someone views AI seems to be dependent on their idea if they're inherently spiritual or non-spiritual.

And when I mean this I don't mean religious I mean how they view the world humans seem to view the world either through a spiritual lens or a material/mechanical lens.

There's effectively no way to reconcile these two opposing viewpoints meaning people will effectively fight against each other for eternity.

My favorite thing to do on the Internet is to save images of cats with cigarettes in their mouth and images of dogs given guns by their humans.

I don't know what kind of spiritual energy this gives off but I definitely have it.

After all these years.

One of the few pieces of knowledge I still consider to be very enlightening is the phrase.

"As above, so below; so above"

Fun fact about my fictional world.

"Emanations" are dreams from dead gods; eternal slumbers.

Be careful. They may be dead but their presence is eternal.

I just thought of a fun meme idea.

Just post a random image then type the phrase.

"Just as the founding fathers intended"


Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.