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I think I have attention deficit or something.

I couldn't listen to an audiobook of Pluto's Republic.

But then I found an AI video to where someone made Master Chief read the entire book and I listen to the entire thing with no interruptions raw.

Why does my brain work like this, I couldn't tell ya.

If you really think about it.

The Sonicchew medallion is the very first cursed artifact created from the age of the internet....

Can't wait for it to be billions of years in the future and it's held in a museum worth billions of dollars.

“Your teeth are crooked because you suck on them. If I suck on them we might be able to reverse the problem and fix them”
@vriska soon: sony patents include idea to make the player believe there's actual games on their platform

@vriska hmm today I will enjoy the surveillance state (clueless)

No I will not be going on Rednote, the Chinese data harvesting operation, as I am perfectly happy with Telegram, the Russian data harvesting operation

@pernia @vriska @waifu @graf @hj @Hyperhidrosis @mia there was a period of time where you were just posting uncensored simpsons porn every couple of minutes and I got tired of seeing bart's cock on my other monitor.

I somehow had a vibe that Nintendo would go up in value when they announced the switch to which I knew was soon so I decided to pre-buy their stock and now it went up.

Well well we'll.

I'm glad I was able to save the journal format I made for myself. I was able to save it by having one copy of it even though I'm a pdf by accident but I lost the original file I was able to reverse engineer it to get it back into its native InDesign file format luckily.

Because I have to say I think it looks very nice!

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.