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Even though I know this is human it's still annoying.

I can spend 4 or to 6 hours completely focused on editing photos and videos or designing a book.

But I can't even regularly spend 30 minutes to 15 to try and learn a new skill that I've always wanted to learn, or some self care for myself.

Why why why why Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! :blobpanic:

Finally got goddamn Sophie... Coincidentally when I'm PLAYING Atelier Sophie DX

She was the first banner so how useful is she now... However that skill, reduce all resistances by 30% seems pretty nuts and applicable to literally any teams

I've now convinced myself that I am better than everyone else and I simply just need to work harder to be better than them.

Because I am so tired of the mediocrity of everything. I strive for something better and I'll do that one step at a time.

I like how I just so happened to be born into a Time of one of the strongest empires and a time to wear almost all human knowledge is completely accessible and yet the average human is destroying themselves when their material wealth has never been greater.

There must always be a balance between spiritual and physical needs and there is clearly an imbalance.

It's the small thing that makes us human. Our appreciation of useless items or things that bring no inherent value.

I value the small little cracks in the concrete that allow little Moss to grow in it. Its the small things, that makes me feel alive.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.