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Day 1∆ of learning how to draw, I guess.

Pretty bad at the upper head of humans.

My favorite part of drawing was probably doing perspective.

I know, I definitely messed up in some places, but I feel like I got a pretty good idea of it especially considering I'm used to photoshopping images to fake perspective so it feels kind of natural?

Also I don't know why but I was thinking about buff Squidward randomly which is why some of the drawings resemble him.

I'm going to be honest guys I'm not a MOBA guy but I have been hard grinding deadlock for weeks now.

There's something in my monkey brain that enjoys fighting people, rotating around the map and grabbing objectives and smashing my monkey brain into my ability keys and doing big numbers and near instant killing someone.

It also probably helps that my character can swap health pools using their ultimate so anytime I'm critical health I get to do in Uno and just completely insta kill someone including the tank.

You would not believe how many times I've been chained stunned, four times in a row. Then swap health with the tank and one shot them, then jump away. :blobcatcoffee:

There's a lot of evidence right now that valve is actually creating Half-Life 3 because not only do they have more than 100+ employees working on it which is rare because even their upcoming game deadlock only has 30 employees working on it.

But there has been a lot of talks from valve employees internally that people have heard that they said how they're ready to finally commit to the and that they're not afraid 3 anymore.

They've also been on a recent hiring spree hiring a bunch of artists, modders, etc who primarily come from the half-life Alex and general half-life games community.

And there have even been references to Half-Life 3 in deadlock and Half-Life Alex's recent updates when people were data mining.

Clearly something big is happening at valve and I'm all for it!

They've been silent for near 6 years and now they're starting to cook again!!!

My favorite thing to do on the Internet is to save images of cats with cigarettes in their mouth and images of dogs given guns by their humans.

I don't know what kind of spiritual energy this gives off but I definitely have it.

loli, furry 

"the summoning" sketch version.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.