Pov: you are a shy trans woman who returns home to your two cis boyfriends, yes boyfriends. They are also on estrogen but they were a little bit luckier in the genetic lottery.

Nsfw, snuff 

Many trans women choose to transfer their brains into military weaponry, completely indestructible in the battlefield, all the better to cleanse the earth of the cis

I know I usually only make captions but today I decided to make an edit, dark skin and bleached/ transed(?) tattoos admittedly the words on the tattoos are a bit blurred and the skin has a tonne of jagged outlines near the edges of the original skin tone.

I know that I said I'd do stuff based on your suggestions but stuff got in the way and my first returning cap was requestd by a friend.

Your wife's been missing for 2 days and you go ask everyone in the neighbourhood to see where she went, only to find her worshipping the trans cosplayer that she always bitches about.

Wanted to get into some raceplay caps so I gave it a shot and this was the result.
WARNING: racial slurs/ n-word use

Hey, I was recently informed of some of my lost captions, at first I could not remember any of these but I recently remembered what some of those were. I uploaded them in a long since dead cap server called "cash banooka" or something like that.

The images below are the images that I used in those caps, if anyone was in those servers I would appreciate if you had them saved for whatever reason.

Made this a few days ago but forgot to post it here, love gwen so I thought I should make a cap of her as a goddess.

Another kind of caption is some trans supremacy caps, similar to blacked or bleached but worshipping trans gods and goddess. I've made two caps related to this idea.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.