Fantasy, trans girl 

The Supreme Court has ruled that the age of consent doesn't apply for trans girls she's gorgeous, who is she?

Pov: you are a shy trans woman who returns home to your two cis boyfriends, yes boyfriends. They are also on estrogen but they were a little bit luckier in the genetic lottery.

Nsfw, snuff 

@Trip875m discord is pretty strict when it comes to fetishizing marginalized groups, snuff, etc. I am planning to eventually make a server on guilded

The pages are gettin more spicy at the minute, check out the new three W.I.P.s of the comic on FANBOX :blobcatsurprised:

Nsfw, snuff 

Many trans women choose to transfer their brains into military weaponry, completely indestructible in the battlefield, all the better to cleanse the earth of the cis

I know I usually only make captions but today I decided to make an edit, dark skin and bleached/ transed(?) tattoos admittedly the words on the tattoos are a bit blurred and the skin has a tonne of jagged outlines near the edges of the original skin tone.

@giggles all I'm missing is clown, I'm too goth, maybe I could be a mim tho

Ever had a call boy for littler boys? Aito and a volunteer are teaching them the joys of slutty femboys

Pedo, detrans kink, sh what's sh? yes, yes, yes, yes! I'm trans I'm fucking desperate for some trans va's reading captions, and pedo captions especially.

I know that I said I'd do stuff based on your suggestions but stuff got in the way and my first returning cap was requestd by a friend.

@rnot2000 the omnitrix is red the entire time and yet he never times out, accuracy ruined, 0/10. For real though, this is great

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.