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@alyx @steakwipe @NaiJi @igeljaeger Not true! I'll have you know that I've seen several documentaries in which people do exactly that.

@alyx @NaiJi it's like when people call @igeljaeger a trap because of their pfp

@alyx except everyone who votes has to collectively exchange pics

VD-15 boosted
Ok, real talk. How many of you have thought at any point of our interaction that I was a girly girl?

@alyx @toast there's also middle-of-the-road e-girl and non-e-girl but you didn't put any of those.

@toast @alyx think 'or's rather than 'and's, this is basic e-girl set theory.

@toast @alyx attractive e-girls whore their nudes, ugly e-girls don't bring it up, e-traps post thighs and nothing else, all of the above use anime avatars.

@matrix @alyx If the price of liberty is death, then may the lord strike me down!

@alyx @matrix I had to unsub from linus because he wouldn't fuck out of my recommended feed otherwise.

@alyx @sjw
I knew you were a commie spy! @Google

@alyx I think C is a perfectly acceptable language.

Sometimes I wish I had multiple clipboard slots for copying and pasting stuff...

I'm debating making my game engine open source because I need shit for my portfolio... What do?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.