Show newer why did someone just drag their mug across a desk? Weird.

@grips sleep for now, then you'll be in a better state of mind for work later.

@null @cowanon @TheMadPirate @igeljaeger @toast yes, she just needs to be a solid 9.6/10 or above, have good personality, be virgin tradwife and like vidya aned anime.

what's the deal with misskey and should I use it or pleroma for my instance?

@toast @alyx @igeljaeger all humans are water-cooled out of the box, if you're concerned about thermals, all you need to worry about is insulation

@alyx @igeljaeger if that doesn't work, you could try multi threading your intestines. best I can find is 720p, you know the original video is from a psp game, right? The console could only output 480x272p so you're not going to find much above that without upscaling it yourself. Alternatively there's also this ungodly MH: World mod I found thats's in 1080p60 an 8k version of padoru endless loop? no just link it to padoru on an endless loop Tell you what, here's an actually semi-serious attempt, now with 100% less comic sans. what do you want me to add?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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