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Okay, my instance is shitting itself...

@Terry Rittenhouse reminds me of that guy over here who kicked a burning jihadi in the nuts at Glasgow airport. He got a comfy job at a security firm a few months later. If Rittenhouse gets acquitted, I'd be surprised if he doesn't get one hell of a summer job next year.

I fixed it! Just changed the config file and re-migrated to the db.

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Oh, god, how do you change pleroma's config from the database? Everything's stored as hex strings!

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Does anyone know how to fix this? Tried changing the corresponding value in the config file, but I've got database configuring enabled so it didn't do shit.

Jul 27 07:27:39 valkyrie mix[32048]: (kernel 7.0) application_master.erl:277: :application_master.start_it_old/4
Jul 27 07:27:39 valkyrie mix[32048]: 07:27:39.363 [error] GenServer Restarter.Pleroma terminating
Jul 27 07:27:39 valkyrie mix[32048]: ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, {:bad_return, {{Pleroma.Application, :start, [:normal, []]}, {:EXIT, {%Pleroma.ApplicationRequirements.VerifyError{message: "Account activation enabled, but Mailer is disabled. Cannot send confirmation emails."}, [{Pleroma.ApplicationRequirements, :handle_result, 1, [file: 'lib/pleroma/application_requirements.ex', line: 26]}, {Pleroma.Application, :start, 2, [file: 'lib/pleroma/application.ex', line: 47]}, {:application_master, :start_it_old, 4, [file: 'application_master.erl', line: 277]}]}}}}}
Jul 27 07:27:39 valkyrie mix[32048]: (restarter 0.1.0) lib/pleroma.ex:92: Restarter.Pleroma.do_restart/1
Jul 27 07:27:39 valkyrie mix[32048]: (restarter 0.1.0) lib/pleroma.ex:84: Restarter.Pleroma.handle_cast/2
Jul 27 07:27:39 valkyrie mix[32048]: (stdlib 3.13) gen_server.erl:680: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4
Jul 27 07:27:39 valkyrie mix[32048]: (stdlib 3.13) gen_server.erl:756: :gen_server.handle_msg/6
Jul 27 07:27:39 valkyrie mix[32048]: (stdlib 3.13) proc_lib.erl:226: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
Jul 27 07:27:39 valkyrie mix[32048]: Last message: {:"$gen_cast", {:after_boot, :prod}}
Jul 27 07:27:39 valkyrie mix[32048]: State: %{after_boot: false, need_reboot: false, rebooted: false}

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@tk I pulled the latest commit and now it's bitching to me about a mailer

@matrix 90% sure the 1st amendment doesn't exist in CHAZ. You're gonna do what the local warlord tells you or say goodbye to your small intestine.

VD-15 boosted

@igel Well I just deleted all user records from so maybe that'll work? I'll let you know when my DNS isn't being a bitch.

VD-15 boosted

@igel eh.

Well, just know that if I knew pleroma and/or SQL well enough to nuke you from my DB and re-federate with, I'd consider it.

@igel I'd say to take it up with lain but we already did and then rin said they'd do something about it and that was like a month ago and IDK anymore

@igel I can practically taste the twitter wannabe through my monitor

@igel yeah my main instance is a bit uncommitted to this whole "connecting to the internet" thing so I'm on here for a bit

My instance appears to be having some kind of DNS problem so I'll be hanging out here for a bit...

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