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VD-15 boosted
Ok, real talk. How many of you have thought at any point of our interaction that I was a girly girl?

Sometimes I wish I had multiple clipboard slots for copying and pasting stuff...

I'm debating making my game engine open source because I need shit for my portfolio... What do?

VD-15 boosted

been trying think of something to do for the past few hours and I've come to the realization that I'm just fucking sad.

send me an icon appropriate for a very professional and work-oriented discord ;)

fucking galaxy brain over here has more wrinkles than my ballsack in siberia

Who the fuck are these people and why does twitch want me to watch them so badly that they feel the need to bypass my spam filter?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.