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Redid the cursor because the old one was a flaming pile of hot garbage that blocked too much of the screen. As a bonus, you can now rotate a tower before you place it down. I know, I'm a saint.

Literally every single image on twatter is broken right now. Fucking stellar service right there. I can see why it's hemmoraging users, it fucking deserves it..

VD-15 boosted

Daily reminder to hug your local wall, they get very lonely. And now with Diode's new and improved colliders, you won't phase through them!

UwU, what's this? You're fwinally awake, nya~? Nyou were twying to cwoss the border, wight? Walked wright into that impewial ambush, same as us, and that thwief over there~. You're my favorite manually operated anime spam bot.

My flatmates are having pre-drinks in the kitchen and I'm just sitting here waiting for them to go out so I can fill up my water bottle, take my damn meds and go the fuck to sleep.

I'm sick and I feel like I'm constantly vaping a cloud of bacteria uuuuugh.

VD-15 boosted

Got up early today and just had my regular alarm scare the shit out of me...

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.