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VD-15 boosted

Alright, took me long enough, but my game engine is finally available to the public! Don’t expect to be using it any time soon, however, everything is broken because I’m a horrible person. Feedback is welcome, if not encouraged, contribution even more so.

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VD-15 boosted

Thinking of streaming some gamedev stuff today, there’s a game jam on and I think It’ll be cool to take part.

Updating my CV and god damn I'm incapable of writing about myself

VD-15 boosted

how do I get federation working with a new instance?

nobody wanna talk about how shrek NTR'd prince charming and how he's basically the embodiment of the ugly bastard tag.

pleroma setup keeps not working. I'm gonna try misskey...

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instance review still doesn't fucking work...

kill me.

gonna try and set up a pleroma instance again.

I have no idea what the fuck i'm doing.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.