
All of the NPCs for God's Disdain are now finished! Minus whatever pops up in testing, the whole story, world, dungeons, side quests, and all of the inhabitants are now fully playable and explorable! There are a few major things left to do, and the road map for those will come within the first few weeks of next year.

I seriously cannot wait for this game to get in everyone's hands! For now, though... I think I deserve a little bit of a holiday break.

The Chiliss Hot Springs are now also open for business! You can spend 15 Giku here to relax and heal. Soaking in the soothing waters will even give your entire party a buff that lasts for multiple turns in battle, seen here as an icon below the characters!

(graphics not final)

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.