
Chimneys/fireplaces have now been implemented into the game! Depending on the region you're in, fireplaces will be lit within homes and other buildings at certain times.

Locked doors will be worked on next! If there are any awake NPCs inside of a home, you'll be able to go inside. Otherwise, you'll need Avadel in your party to pick the lock! Maybe you'll find some interesting things inside, but that's kind of mean to do don't you think?

Well, the door locks have been finished. That happened much sooner than I was anticipating! We'll have plenty of time to do some more NPC polishing this month now!

I've been thinking that if I finish all of my goals for one month, I will cut the remaining days of the month in half and take that long of a break before beginning work on the next month. I think that's a good way to do it and incentivize finishing things faster to take longer breaks.

If I actually get to the point where I'm finishing things way before the end of the month and very frequently, though, I'll definitely want to just keep working on stuff so I can get the game finished! I definitely don't want to keep anyone waiting, much less myself, but it is still important to take breaks every now and then.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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