Which is the worst, most corrupt, most despicable, most [insert bad thing here] piece of proprietary software you can think of? Let's exclude operating systems, cause it would be too easy for everyone to just say Windows.

@alyx I was going to say Windows after I read the first line lol

Hmm I guess it could be the Microsoft office suite, but maybe thats cheating since it is Windows kinda.

Personally I despise whatsapp because I am forced to use it at work and in normal life in order to get things done.

Discord could also be it, they refuse to allow people to hide blocked messages, and they give excuses like "the way discord is built doesnt allow for that" which is complete bullshit, so for some reason they have a secret agenda to force people to be annoyed constantly by those they have blocked, and then you realize the word "discord" means disharmony, conflict. Something to think about.

MS Office is an acceptable answer. They're monopoly on document formats have definitely hurt everyone a lot.

Whatsapp was probably decent at some point in the past... but then Facebook came along.

I never used Discord, but I've heard plenty of bad and weird things about it to believe you.

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