Which is the worst, most corrupt, most despicable, most [insert bad thing here] piece of proprietary software you can think of? Let's exclude operating systems, cause it would be too easy for everyone to just say Windows.

@alyx Easy Anti-Cheat. They intentionally make games not work on Linux. Fuck Tim Sweeney and Epic Games.

You're out of the loop. Apparently Easy Anti-Cheat is getting a Linux version.

@alyx I think it already has one, but they made all games that previously supported Linux just not support it anymore (Rocket League for example, after Epic Games acquired it), and it can't run on Proton/Wine either. I've seen the progress on getting EAC to run on them but it's nowhere near complete

@alyx WAIT WHAT?
> Valve promised it would work with anti-cheat software makers EAC and BattlEye to ensure some of the most popular games will run on its upcoming Steam Deck Linux-based gaming handheld, and one of those companies is now officially on board — Epic Games announced today that its Easy Anti-Cheat (EAC) now supports Linux and Mac. Not only that, it’s specifically set up to work with the Proton and Wine compatibility layers that Valve’s relying on to bring Windows games to the Deck.


Yup. It's pretty new. It'll take a while until we actually see the results.

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@alyx gonna install that game I really love but couldn't play because of EAC (Rising Storm 2), thanks for this conversation!

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