BioShock: The Collection on Epic Games

BioShock Remastered
BioShock 2 Remastered
BioShock Infinite: Complete Edition

I never actually played BioShock 2. Maybe I will now.

P.S. Anyone know if the BioShock Remastered are decent or if they're a downgrade compared to the original? (as in bugs, bad gameplay changes, stuff like that)

@alyx They are still quite unstable and crash a lot. The upgrade is barely visible. The main improvement is that the physics run at 60 fps.


I don't really expect actual improvements with remasters. I just want to make sure they're at least as playable as the original games, in the way the originals were meant to be played.

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@alyx In that regard they are faithful to the original

@matrix @alyx Bioshock 2 for the PC literally crashed when you opened it up, is it any better?
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