I was kinda thinking in this general direction yesterday. My PC is a bit older, so it doesn't draw 1000W like a proper gaming rig. I doubt I can make it draw 400W, but it has a proper THICK boy cable to the wall socket for those 400W, but we expect some thin, probably braided, cables to do 600W for a GPU? And why 12 pins, if all you're giving the GPU is the same 12v in all of them?
Fucking redesign PSUs from the ground up already, fewer pins for GPU, but have them massive, cause at this point the GPU is the main power user in your build.

My PC has a 650W Source, and I thought it was an overkill at the time.


LTTs latest video shows you can still (just barely) power the 4090 with a 650W PSU (at least if it's an actual good PSU, from a good brand), so no all is lost. But yeah, even 1000W doesn't sound like overkill anymore.


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