The fact that americans need YouTube videos to explain this to them is just... sad, painful, demoralizing, pathetic, and cringe.


US cooking measurements are a whole different can of worms that I have no clue on.

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@alyx i'm not a cook either but i've heard from some cook friends that it's better, although they never told me why. it seems to be the general consensus though. my guess is that it would probably be something related to portion sizes of ingredients.

Meh... I've looked at some of it once, and I found it retarded. They have multiple "spoon" sizes. Like a lot of them... And everything bigger gets measured in "cup" sizes, which is especially stupid, cause a "cup" isn't just an ordinary cup. It's a standard, that is some amount of oz/milliliters. So you'll have recipes asking for 1 and a quarter cup of flour, instead of giving you a weight or volume, so you can just put it on the scale all at once. So you can't just use your ordinary household cup, unless you manually verified it matches the standard, but then you have to guesstimate the quarter of a cup. So I'm guessing Americans have to buy a measuring cup, which is not a problem cause it's cheap. But that's exactly what we also use anyway. So you basically throw away any usefulness of using "cup" as a unit.

At least the US has some standards on this I guess. I'm not aware of Romania having an official measuring standard for cooking, but at least any recipe I've come across, just says "1kg of flour", or "200 grams of butter", and they're very easy to measure.

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