
For fucks sake.... I swear... Linux/open-source advocates are complete dicks.

When you encounter a FUCKING NOOB, don't send them down rabbit holes. Their default distro kernel IS NOT gonna be the main cause of their issue.

Morons like you are what drives people away from Linux and open source software.

@alyx I noticed many how-tos in some Linux forums usually but not always go for the most difficult method for solving problems for people that are having an issue and are asking for help.

@alyx Stop helping people. Find a way to make them break their hardware. Less people on the Internet is better.

Seriously, I think they do it on purpose. As long as noone understands Linux, they can feel like gods.

I never considered it before, but I'm definitely heading towards the same conclusion.

For god's sake, who on Earth goes to "change your kernel" as the first solution to "my computer is kinda slow and stutters lately"?

@alyx @LukeAlmighty it's also autism and an inability to understand normies.

Hence mastodon 4.x and "copy paste this to your instance bro".

@PhenomX6 @LukeAlmighty
>inability to understand normies
That's definitely a strong possibility.

@alyx @LukeAlmighty I lean more towards "blind leading the blind", especially when I see support threads for things I actively develop. People immediately blaming the distro? "works on my machine, must be the kernel I use, you should try to use the same things as me"
Similar to the Windows troubleshooting advice of Reboot->Reinstall->Reboot->Reformat (which I have actually caught people suggesting for... disabling Windows proxy settings after a program failed to revert them)
@alyx i wish it was a little more efficient as gatekeeping, too many troons in foss
@alyx Getting into Linux sounds like getting into American Comics.

It starts with the question, "Where do I fucking start?"

And you get more contradictory answers than if you'd ask a Jew what religion was.
@alyx I will send people down the Plan 9 rabbit hole and you will never stop me.

see I just send em to mint

if they dont like it they dont like it.
but I always try to be open to anwsering questions and not being an asshole. Mainly because all the people that tried "helping" me when I was getting started were assholes and never actually helped with anything

@alyx those people, as well as the ones who actively shut down new ideas from folks who are trying to get in and stick to their 70s guns, or discourage them from getting into it entirely

@alyx lol, I have the opposite problem I always have a easy fix but it seems the person does not want to stay for some be reason kek
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