Welcome back to: Destiny is retarded.
On today's episode, we have "Genocide is ok when we do it"


@LukeAlmighty I think you’re misinterpreting what he’s saying. Jews were actively being exterminated in Germany, and killing the people trying to kill you is self-defense. Notice that he says it was OK for jews to kill nazis, not Germans.

Oh, Hi Dave.
There are several ways of looking at it.
1) The old fassion war stance.
Meaning, that every war is amoral.
That obviously ain't his point.

Or, we can take the defense point.
Well, he didn't talk about defense there, did he? He said genocide. That means mass murdering, and if jews are genociding you under the flag of defense, that means you can defend against their "defense" justyfying the supposed original aggression.

Do you see the problem now?

But he didn't say it either way.
He said: I see one genocide as justified, but the 2nd one as immoral.

I see why you hate this point though :D

@LukeAlmighty Do you believe that it’s wrong to kill people that are trying to kill you?

@LukeAlmighty Not at all. I believe in an affirmative right to self-defense.

@dave @LukeAlmighty
Destiny clearly states: "at the very least, people who were a part of the SS, or nazi politicians". Problem is, if you were a jewish person, it wouldn't be a nazi politician that would have their gun pointed at you. It might not even be a proper SS member. It's gonna be a low level grunt, that acts on the orders of his higher-ups. So the way I see it, this being an argument of killing out of self-defense makes no sense.

Self-defense works when your life is in IMMEDIATE threat, not when "well, I'm convinced those people are gonna eventually come to kill me because of their ideology". That's not self-defense, that's acting in anticipation of a threat. It's Minority Report, without an actual clairvoyant.

What Destiny seems to argue, is that if we're convinced the Nazis are an existential threat, we are in the right to kill them.

Forgive me for not going too much farther into the stream. Maybe there are better arguments made later on in the discussion, but frankly both of them simply annoy me when they speak.

@alyx @LukeAlmighty

Self-defense works when your life is in IMMEDIATE threat

Under most circumstances, yes. But most people are never going to run into a situation where they find out someone is planning to kill them in advance. Approximately a third of all living jews were exterminated in the holocaust, and the only reason it wasn’t all of them is because Hitler had bitten off more than he could chew and was defeated militarily. Jews organizing and killing the people actively trying to exterminate them would have absolutely been justified.

@dave @alyx
Congratulations, you have just justified completelly why any average german was correct to support it.

According to you, it did became an "us or them" situation, where genocide of one group was inevitable.

@LukeAlmighty @dave
Right, I forgot to say this initially. You can't argue against the fact that Nazis were trying to justify their actions by saying "muh juice are an existential threat to us".


@LukeAlmighty @dave
This is why I've ended up hating the progressive left so fucking much. They've ended up mirroring the Nazis, that they claim they hate, so fucking much, that I honestly wonder if I'm the one taking crazy pills. That clip of the Joker is an adequate analogy of how modern left-wing political discourse is.... messing with my mind.

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