
Remember when Trump won in 2016, even though every god damned poll said he wouldn't?

Remember the conclusion that came out on why every poll got it wrong? People figured it was because many people were simply too scared to answer honestly that they would vote Trump.

A simple anonymous poll, conducted by complete strangers with no inherent power (political or otherwise) and people were too scared to answer honestly.

How long before people will be too scared to vote honestly? Remember, unlike a polling company, the ones counting your vote do have political power. And the "shadow government" has proven that it is not afraid to wield that power to suit their preferences.

There's a saying here: he who today steals an egg, tomorrow steals an ox.

Today the FBI censored people and information critical to at least 1 election.

What will they steal tomorrow?

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@alyx @alyx currently there is no way to know who someone votes for unless they tell you. voting is pretty well insulated from peer pressure unless youre the lowest level of spineless coward.

Between historical data of how demographics in your district voted and various data collected from your online activity, it's not that hard to make a good educated guess.

And that's not even taking into consideration how easily it would be to spy on you if you vote in person, or to tamper with your correspondence if you vote by mail.

And yes, there's gonna be A LOT of the lowest level of spineless cowards.

That's what happens if you turn slave suggestion box, I mean voting into something full of emotions.
I keep saying, selections in the USSA is what football/soccer is in Europe; people are so emotionally attached to one team or party, their team or party losing is like the end of the entire world for them.
Just wait until they start requiring digital ID and a Satanphone to vote. When that happens, stealing elections won't even be necessary, because not a single person that isn't brainwashed will be able to vote at all.

Anyway, fuck selections. They are clearly and transparently fake. Who the fuck likes the government and the politicians? Nobody, in any country, on the entire planet, and yet it's rare of a single good politician exist anywhere, because they choose what your options even are, so you're fucked no matter who you vote for. Look at the amount of bills that they pass, that not a single person not in the club is in favor of.

Look at all their fucking wars. People were driven to insanity again, so they support warmongering, but for most of the 2000s and 2010s, pretty much everyone was against that, and they just kept on doing it anyway because these is no choice in this system. Who gains anything from it? Only the evil sacks of shit that orchestrate the wars in the first place.

Humanity should go back to small tribal societies where nothing is done without debating until a consensus is reached. These representative systems are all exactly the same, they are all thinly-veiled dictatorships.
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