@LukeAlmighty Looks ok, but I wouldn't call it groundbreaking. Mostly in line with where the current standard has been for a bit now. I guess it's a matter of perspective, and what one considers groundbreaking to begin with. If you compare it with Skyrim, or the old Crysis games, sure it's groundbreaking. Otherwise, as I said, to me it looks in line with what other games have offered recently.
Maybe I see some of the blurriness, but the resolution of these pictures is kinda bad vertical wise (624p) so it's hard to be sure of what I'm seeing.
If you want an example of what I find blurry, the plain picture with all the grass is the best example. I'm guessing it's being caused by TXAA as it's being used everywhere. The further you look away from the center point, the more fuzzy the greenery looks, likely because things are moving from the wind and the camera is moving too.
The right side looks a bit sharper, but on the left side, it's hard to distinguish a single sharp blade of grass even near the focal point.
Some of the other examples look sharp enough. But they seem to be stationary. The other one that is blurry to me is the blue landscape one. But the green plain is still the better example imo.