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Same. I've hovered around Ubuntu distros for a while. I've had Gnome2 Ubuntu, Unity Ubuntu, Linux Mint. Eventually tried Xubuntu, and then finally landed on Kubuntu as a permanent distro that I actually used as main OS, instead of playing around in a dualboot.
I always kept in the Ubuntu ecosystem, because learning something entirely new seemed like too much. But then Ubuntu did stupid things, and I had to move.
I kept KDE as the consistent thing, and moved to Manjaro. I'm thinking about doing a move again, but it has to be KDE, and I want it to be Arch based. So it won't be an adventurous move.

The statement should be the other way around to be anywhere near close to correct.

Forcing people to not follow a religion, soviet style, won't suddenly make them smarter. And you don't gain anything from being isolated from established religions. If someone is unintelligent or simply uneducated, it just leaves their brain open to other false beliefs. The issue with that being that they can very well be unpredictable and more dangerous. You don't know what stupidity someone will invent next and believe it's true. Christianity by contrast is a known quantity.

On the other hand, if someone is intelligent and well informed/educated, it is more likely that they can see when something is blatantly false, and stop believing in it, even if they were indoctrinated into it. And the important thing is, in the process of renouncing such a belief, they learn more, and are better prepared in the future to tell right from wrong. I don't think I would have been able to see the logical flaws and inconsistencies in the entire spectrum of woke ideology if prior I hadn't encountered similar or sometimes the exact same arguments used by radical religious people. It allowed me to quickly identify that intersectional feminism is effectively a secular religion that had the path clear to infect people's brains because they lacked strong belief in an established religion.

Which brings me back to my initial point. A society prevented from following a religion doesn't necessarily give you anything of value. It can very well leave it susceptible to more dangerous beliefs. An old established religion will have been polished by time. A new radical belief/religion isn't, and you can't know how people will react to it.

But that's not to say an atheistic society is always a bad thing. It can be a sign that most people have gone through the process of analyzing religious beliefs and renouncing them. It's just not something you'd be able to assess if it happened by just looking at demographics.

One way I think you could tell between such a society, and one were people were just kept away from religion, soviet style, is if people have a habit of irrationally attacking religious people. I have started seeing some of that, mostly directed at Christians. But I'm not ready to jump to conclusions just yet.

Also, you're not a fag because you're trans or a lesbian, or whatever you think you are.

You're a fag because you added 20 hashtags to your post.

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Introductory posts are such a weird thing I see the average Mastodon user do. If there's something important about you worth mentioning, put it in bio.

Otherwise, cut the self-masturbatory narcissistic self-praise.

Americans did in larger proportion, but there are stupid people everywhere.

The things that absolutely infuriates me, is that I can agree with them that some measures were stupid and meaningless. Like there's no point wearing a mask outside, in the open air, unless the outside place is also crowded because of an event happening. But the fucking morons' response to silly measures like that was to turn into petulant children. That's now how you respond to something being wrong or unjust. You don't go in the complete opposite direction.

The way people reacted is the equivalent of someone becoming a radical communist because McDonalds increased the price of their Big Mac.

>people aren't gonna spend the money on N95 certified masks.
I swear, I'm gonna lose it completely (even more than I'm doing it now) if I keep seeing people completely miss the point of face masks.

The point isn't to kill germs out. It's to keep germs in. To keep you from accidentally spreading to other people. This is useful when you're dealing with a disease that can spread while you're asymptomatic and are not aware that every breath you exhale is a threat to everyone around you.

Sure, it's not perfect. Nothing is. But every little bit fucking matters. But apparently the western world is filled with too many fucking assholes, that have no place in polite society, and should be shot behind a fucking barn, because they can't seem to understand something Asians learned a long time ago: when you're sick or even think you could be coming down with something, it's the polite thing to do to keep the germs to yourself.

Asians will wear a mask, out of respect for those around them, for even the slightest of colds.
The West bitched like a toddler when we were in a middle of an unknown pandemic, and people were asked to give the slightest of crap about their fellow humans.

Bakhmut is the weirdest name for a city. Every time I see it, I envision some kind of demon, like Baphomet or something like that.

Oh... Considering the "MAPs" are trying to get into it, zoophiles seems like the natural progression.

@alyx my 9th grade science teacher used to make games in powerpoint. i always thought that was pretty cool.

he kidnapped a girl in a box and got sent to the slammer.

lesson learned, never trust someone who codes in powerpoint.

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Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.