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@ChadleyDudebro @PinochetsCommieCopter
You're the nigger if you think other Americans don't exhibit the same level of stupidity.

Ok, not gonna lie. In this comparison image, he does look human. (on the right side I mean). I don't know if that means Pinocchio was finally turned into a real boy, or if his technology evolved this much.
But yeah... if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, what is it?

I know they took preventative measures, and did all the testing, but I can't help but feel that Nvidia doing liquid metal on the 5000 series is a bad idea.

I do like what they did with the rest of the PCB and cooler design. Quite beautiful imo. I hope that motherboard connector is sturdy enough, but otherwise everything should be good.

@Alex @j
>Not many, I'd assume.
I think you'd assume wrong. Didn't Nvidia push out a demo where it showed a game running at 20-30 fps without DLSS, and over 200fps with DLSS 4?
This is all Nvidia is able to create now, smoke and trickery.

@Goalkeeper And for people like me, FOMO makes me never even try these games in the first place. If I'm gonna get FOMO anyway, I might as well miss out of everything. So I'm not playing your predatory monetization games.

@j @Alex
I don't know why you're saying that as if frame generation wasn't already AI. It's not on the same level as what we usually think as generative AI, but it is a product of AI learning just like original DLSS 1 and 2 were.

@j And how many of those 800fps are AI generated, and how many are actually rendered?

@VD15 It is funnier if you read it as a conversation between the beta and alpha though.

@mangeurdenuage @maxmustermann
About 40 seconds per man... At that speed, she doesn't even qualify as a woman anymore, so "whore" is not enough. She... no, IT is just a dirty rag.

@a1ba I forgot, was this the mod that was trying to replicate the CS 1.6 feel?

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