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I will never forgive the Russians for ruining Nuclear Energy for the rest of us.

All because Boris had one too many bottles of vodka and forgot to change the coolant.

It's official then. Our German Jpop Idol Hitler 2.0 God has returned.

Conspiracy theory: Igel is back somewhere. His bot has become fully active again. And what would be the purpose of starting the bot up again, if he didn't get to enjoy it?

@MoralPanic @RikaDerufu @Nonetrix @alyx @kuken Because they are essentially Marxists. In feminist theory Marx’s class struggle between bourgeoisies and proletarians becomes a sex class struggle between males and females ( with females being the “oppressed” class ).

Marx’s utopia is reached when all social classes are abolished and everyone becomes “equals”, therefore feminist’s utopia is reached when all “gender” classes are abolished and everyone becomes “equal”.

Just as Marx disregards Human Behavior applied to Economy, feminists disregard Sexual Dimorphism applied to Society. In both cases, this is driven by an effort to ignore the natural emergence of hierarchies via division of labor.

Wanna hear something funny? Romanian left-wing politicians are calling right-wing politicians "neo-marxists".

Wrap your head around that one if you can.

Had a weird dream. @TheAncestor had stolen my awesome pfp, and I decided there was nothing left for me to do than to move on to my backup waifu.

Since homeschooling is in high demand right now, here's some good material to help teach your kid the alphabet.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.