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do not this post RT if you like my post

>But covid would have to be orders of magnitute more infectious than the flu!
Well.. it kinda is. But why would someone like you bother to look that up...

Nope nope... I'm done. I'm just done. I'm just starting to mute left and right any and all bad takes. Don't even care who they're coming from.

"I wonder why there are no car crashes anymore, now that we've stopped all traffic."

I honestly don't understand people anymore... do you think we're in some stagnant universe where new viruses can't pop up, and everything is "just a flu"? Is HIV just a flu too?!

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It's dumbfounding how even people who seem to have some medical knowledge are HORRIBLE at actually tracking news about Covid19.

And then they'll start spouting their "educated" opinion that the virus couldn't do this or that, while being completely uninformed on everything that has been studied and observed about the virus.

Stop fucking treating this like it's the flu virus. It's not. It's an entirely new virus, that infects through a completely different spike protein, and as such, can cause completely different problems.

Why does the news not talk about the ones most affected by the lockdowns?

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