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@alyx @alyx Give a politician in parliament bird flu. We will then unfortunately have to put them all down.

Let's say you have a farm, and you raise some chickens.

You discover that one of the chickens is infected to the core with a disease. A theoretically curable disease if caught early. But this particular chicken is in late stage of the disease.

Do you still try to cure it, even though keeping it around poses a risk to you and the other chickens; or do you count your losses, kill it and burn the corpse?

Remember when Trump won in 2016, even though every god damned poll said he wouldn't?

Remember the conclusion that came out on why every poll got it wrong? People figured it was because many people were simply too scared to answer honestly that they would vote Trump.

A simple anonymous poll, conducted by complete strangers with no inherent power (political or otherwise) and people were too scared to answer honestly.

How long before people will be too scared to vote honestly? Remember, unlike a polling company, the ones counting your vote do have political power. And the "shadow government" has proven that it is not afraid to wield that power to suit their preferences.

There's a saying here: he who today steals an egg, tomorrow steals an ox.

Today the FBI censored people and information critical to at least 1 election.

What will they steal tomorrow?

America has had problems with their elections for some time.

An informed vote is critical for a democracy, and for much too long a lot of people have voted out of complete and utter ignorance.

At least you can argue that this political ignorance is not just an issue for USA, it exists to some proportion everywhere.

But what the FBI and the news media has done these years, is the straw that broke the camel's back. It's no longer an issue of an ignorant vote, it's an issue of a blatantly and purposefully misinformed vote, orchestrated by people who would directly politically profit from the outcome of this directed vote.

You can't ignore this. You can't call the voting process intact and trustworthy after these revelations. What USA has experienced is exactly what was being done all the time in the soviet block. It's what even Putin did with his opponents. Block, censor, arrest those who talk against you, and use the propaganda machine to praise your leadership, even when you drive the country straight into disrepair. That's how you act as an authoritarian.

That's how you destroy democracy.

>Sydney Watson is a LOW RENT Commentator. Rips off Shoe0nhead's Style
That's rich from someone who stole his thumbnail format from Tim Pool.

:drake_dislike: parallel parking
:drake_dislike: perpendicular parking
:drake_like: 4D hyperspace tesseract parking


Girls, don't be like this. Watch this to the very end, and take it as an example of what NOT to do.

*oftat* ... Bine... Presupun că ești micul meu pogchamp. Vino aici. :blobhug:

I feel sick. Anyone who still dares to defend this behavior is nothing less than a monster in my eyes.

Disney-Affiliated Drag Queen Welcomes Children to Show Featuring Simulated Sex And Nudity
Drag Queen: 'You are such an awesome mom for bringing your kid'

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