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Apparently Vance criticized my country for cancelling elections based on flimsy suspicious of Russian interference. And he's kinda right.

The accusations against Russia are quite serious. But the evidence we have so far is lousy. We have strong signs that Călin Georgescu, the candidate who was supposedly Russia's tool, did campaign financing fraud. And that's not gonna be hard to prove when the moron had the balls to declare in official papers that he spent $0. That's right, he reported to the agencies that track these things that he spent nothing to campaign. Riiight.

The problem is, I'm not sure if this crime itself is enough to merit cancelling the elections the way they were. So we still need to prove that Russian meddling.
There is some evidence so far, of a TikTok network of foreign IP accounts that botted to create fake hype for the guy. But there's still no clear tie to Russia, even if the modus operandi looks like it.

And considering how bad our prosecutors are at digging up evidence, I honestly think we're kinda fucked. The people are very unhappy.

I know I've ranted about Linux drivers a few days ago. I guess I'll keep going.
How is this a thing? How old are these controllers? Why is this happening only just now? It's little things like this that just scream "what the hell are you people doing?!".
It's not that the drivers weren't there. Apparently Sony itself helped make them happen. It's that the system, Linux, would occasionally decide to try to use the wrong drivers for a controller. And it took this long to fix that because...?

"We dedicate ourselves to building a just, decent, and inclusive company. We must be empathetic to the experience of underrepresented groups and act to make NVIDIA a place of opportunities. We do this because it is right and just, and we believe it will help make NVIDIA better. "
— Jensen Huang, CEO.

You know what, Grok actually surprised me. I thought I'd be clever and give him some random vtuber tweets, with inside jokes, to trick him and see him flounder in understanding what's going on. But joke's on me. Grok is smarter than I gave it credit.

I've been saying that China lies. Slowly we're gonna start finding the truth about Deepseek, and people will slowly move away from it when they realize it's not all it's cracked up to be.

Tell me you're a moron, without telling me you're a moron.

Being a vegan I understand, and can respect up to a point. But the PETA-like nonsense... nah fam. Those people deserve hell.

You scream, I scream, everybody screams for Linux to get it shit together by 2038.

Just when I think I got the hang of how Linux does things, it throws a curve ball. Here I thought programs never loaded custom configs if I changed the extension. Turns out, sometimes they do. :blobshrug:

Why is it, that every single time I hear someone talking about dog-whisteling, it's the oposition hearing message that isn't there, instead of supporters hearing it?

Doesn't that mean, that every discussed case of it is by definition not a dog-whistle?

The funny thing about the "incel" problem is that a lot of them would have been OK with living a lonely life as long as they got to contribute to the success of their own people who value them for other reasons, but you took that away from them, too.

Men want women. If they can't get 'em, a lot of them will settle for companionship and appreciation, which looks like...

- building a church or a new state capitol building and having your work appreciated by everyone

- teaching something you know to local kids

- having a men's group that goes hunting, shooting, bowling, or whatever gives them a sense of accomplishment and belonging

- being an isolated artist or philosopher, a loner genius of some sort

- even just having a regular job that helps people that you care about, like the janitor from my elementary school who used to help all the kids open their snacks because no one treated him like an inferior for being a janitor

But none of those things are available to today's "incels" because you insisted on importing the entire 3rd world and instructing them to stick their middle fingers up at us as they eat for free on our dime. No one wants to contribute to that filth.

You may not have "felt" it yet, but more and more people don't have a "place." Nowhere they belong. Strangers in the land where they were born. If they're not GETTING anything, and they have no one to GIVE to, what do they do?

Oh, and then you made their video games gay and black too, so they didn't have anywhere to go be distracted from it all.

I already know the answer to this question, but... how stupid can you be? You denied every possible valuable thing to several generations of men, then abused and humiliated them and ruined everything they liked, and you're surprised that they... didn't like that?

It shouldn't be this hard to understand: you can't ruin millions of people's lives and expect them not to notice.
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