Right libertarians only!
Does abortion violate the NAP?

@FreeinTX @xianc78
I take NAP as an argument tool as to say: Your politics are so bad, they cannot even justify breaking the golden rule, so Fuck off.

Sadly, neither commies nor national socialists care.

@LukeAlmighty @FreeinTX Well all moral principles are just spooks in our heads. The egoist anarchists are correct but I don't think I could survive a minute in Stirner-land.

@xianc78 @LukeAlmighty For many, moral principles are carved in stone and penned in indelible ink, not just spooks in our heads. For those without these fixed moral principles, morals are as easily changed as one's opinion. I prefer the company of the former and side eye the latter. There will come a time where those people will justify sacrificing babies on the alter of eternal life and drinking the blood of the innocent.

@FreeinTX @LukeAlmighty @xianc78 What if you think morality is a spook but you also think enforcing and accepting certain principles is almost always good for your own happiness so you effectively carve them in stone anyway? Yeah, you could change your mind buy so could the first type you mentioned

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