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@fugger When it gets to really low-level stuff like firmware or microcode there isn't really that much for it to do. And if it did pinged some server or something somehow, people would see it

@apropos @Zerglingman @fugger @mikuphile What's pleasant about it? Each time I try it it's like writing JS symbol-soup but the compiler is a slow grandma that hates me

@straw @fugger @mikuphile Just wrestle with the compiler for an hour because

void* ptr = malloc(s);

is too hard

Protip: if a person is incapable of mentally conceptualising how a pointer works, you don't want them writing security conscious software in the first place. Lower the bar, import 500 packages that may or may not use unsafe{} anywhere, and you're creating new issues

"Just import libraries that handle unsafe code", we've had this for 50+ years, it's called a dynamic language. Now look at how secure NPM is

@mystik @kaia @mangeurdenuage It doesn't make any sense for people to have evolved for just culture. Kin selection would have selected for what's the easiest marker of kinship, which is just appearance. Thinking alike has an impact, but it makes no sense for it to be the only or possibly even main thing

@jonossaseuraava @mystik It's a meme made by some company. I've never met anyone that used it, I've never heard anyone talking about it except foreigners, we don't need it

We're actually a great example of how genetic similarity makes your country better. We have none of the negatives of "inbreeding" but all the positives. The negatives are barely even detectable for first-cousin, people learn that quickly, thus the app is more of a meme, second and third have no detectable negatives

>While pregnancies from sex between first cousins do carry a slightly elevated risk of birth defects, this risk is often exaggerated.[644] The risk is 5–6% (similar to that of a woman in her early 40s giving birth),[644][645] compared with a baseline risk of 3–4%.[645] The effects of inbreeding depression, while still relatively small compared to other factors (and thus difficult to control for in a scientific experiment), become more noticeable if isolated and maintained for several generations.[646]

Third-cousins have the most kids because it's evolutionary the best. Even when we're very genetically close to begin with. When your kids are more similar to you, you invest in them more, when people around you are more similar, you invest in them more. Evolution 101 for people that aren't braindamaged by diversity garbage

@xianc78 @ryo @ArdainianRight @cee Not really. The syntax is C-like, has garbage collection and mechanics for memory-safety, which can be disabled or forced per-block or for the while program, and has meta-programming mechanisms that replace macros that let it use compile-time function execution to generate code, even make utility languages like vibe-d uses for HTML templates, it reads templates from a folder and generates them into code

@ryo @ArdainianRight @cee @xianc78 Whenever I try it it just looks and feels like D to me but with a slightly less C like syntax (a bad thing) and annoyances like the unused variable thing that they still wont change or add an option for because they think they know better than you

@xianc78 @ryo @ArdainianRight @cee Wdym? Lua is the most popular scripting language for games, It would be a benefit since you can interface seamlessly

If you need separate Lua instances running in separate threads, it has that too with message passing

@xianc78 @ryo @ArdainianRight @cee Also, you really mention MonoGame and FNA, microsoft things, instead of something truly free like Love2d

And Go (C style garbage collected native code lang by google) instead of D (C style garbage collected native code lang by Walter Bright)


@xianc78 @ryo @ArdainianRight @cee Sailor Moon thing is just yuri, people like yuri because it's attractive, not for the sake of pushing shit, Dragon Warrior thing is I think a rumour. You could mention Birdo instead, though making these wierd monsters into trannies feels like they're kinda making fun of them

@xianc78 @cee @ryo Why even blacklist at that point? Does Mastadon not have a whitelist option?

@ryo Read it. Graf allows loli, though he has a kinda weird stance on it. Only thing to really mention

@ryo @xianc78 Iirc the court case over it didn't change the definition, it's still legally CP it's just acceptable CP

@ryo Graf has a very sensitive neovagina. He blocked me and then defederated me

@CapitalB @Salyer Blacks also bring the average up though hispanics bring it down. I can't be arsed to crunch the numbers but there's probably that too

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