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@sun For the sake of your future karma I shall help balance it out

Fuck you, cunt

@inertia It's JITed, it can optimise it during whatever stage it wants, and it is hard to predict what it will or wont do, best to not worry about it for no reason

If you really feel like it anyway, godbolt it

@inertia I don't really know what you're doing so I can't really comment. I'd not usually pick C++ though

@inertia Isn't C# JITed? Do enums not do that? Why are you hyperoptimising instead of writing sane code?

@mactonite How old are they? If you're lucky you can help them with their homework for an easy win

@mangeurdenuage As if 10 year old girls getting wed wasn't normal in biblical times

@phossu If a kid insist on playing in the street, you pull him out by force. Enforce your will

Preventing them from mutilating themselves because of a nonsensical delusion is the same logic

@phossu Men have been marrying girls since the dawn of man, it is natural and in their best interest

Transgenderism is an ideology based on enabling mental illness. Pushing it on children is especially heinous

It is not hard

@tai_marshal Air really isn't a good example. You can both see and feel it

@beardalaxy And then you put her in a catgirl maid outfit and fuck her. Right?

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