@LukeAlmighty Happy birthday! Til hamingju!
@RikaDerufu @LukeAlmighty Rephrasing, every other first world country kills men more. Why is only one of these a "gender violence problem"?
@Mr_NutterButter Kumo desu ga, Nani ka? I very much recommend reading it
@beardalaxy @Zergling_man All the random arbitrary limitations they copied from xitter are bad, and half the images not working is worse, but dont you find it worst having to write your 10k line rants using only ~3% of the screen space
@Zergling_man @beardalaxy Any better webclients?
@LukeAlmighty You need a physical item and stand infront of a security camera though
@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty Have any of these people tried reading a stream of consciousness novel?
@LukeAlmighty I find it more insane that we choose a system like democracy with short term incentives and people only care about hotfixing the symptoms
@mangeurdenuage The only thing wrong with the regex is that it expects the TLD to be 2-4 chars long
@LukeAlmighty Yuri is not gay though. Yuri exists almost exclusively for the benefit of straight young men
@LukeAlmighty no.
@finlaydag33k The alternative to low-paid labour is slightly less low-paid labour, or in some cases tech
They are being payed little because they are not worth much, they do not span the whole supply chain. It is not loggers or factory workers earning minimum wage, it is retail and fast food clerks
Nobody needs 6 people waiting tables rather than 5, maybe you can even get away with the best 3 and self-order tablets. If you have 6 employees being payed €10 and then 5 being payed €12, you pay no extra while losing relatively little due to the diminishing marginal returns and because you fired the bottom rung
Prices are how capitalism performs economic calculation. Calculations do not change on edict. Of course it makes problems worse
@finlaydag33k That's not the main picture though
If you fix prices up you end up with a surplus
People get fired and overworked to absorb the diminishing returns of labour, and pricier (at least in the short term) alternatives are picked, but most of the impact is absorbed by layoffs or dodging it altogether by lowering other forms of compensation
@tomie I do not get how this happens. How do normal people get misgendered? I have had people think I was a woman online from how I write but that never stung my feelings
@beardalaxy Yellow car here too
"Gulur bíll!" *punch*
@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy @Mr_NutterButter It could be even better than that:
[~] sh -c 'x=23, x=x+7; echo $x'
@beardalaxy :(