Played way less games this year to be honest. But I did play a number of non-Steam games too.

And if software was counted Blender and GameMaker would definitely be in top 5...

Why does this variety of Strathmore drawing pads have Tim Pool on it

Virtua Fighter 5 REVO for $16 pre-order AND open beta right now :blobsobglasses:


PS1 with fucked up disc drive repaired (which will surely hasten it's demise as I pushed the potentiometer on the drive up significantly)

I was a Nintendo babby so I am excited to try some more Sony-exclusive stuff...

Okay maybe I'm in a bubble but (rhetorical question) how was Harris ahead for nearly three months while acting like a retarded wino mom?

Got another $5 cassette deck from Goodwill that just needs belts wooo

And also a Garfield CD

I had a rare find scouring thrift stores today, an actual metal CD. It was a local band called Desolate Angel, with one studio release in the 90's. I fully expected it to be garbage, but it was actually pretty nice. I looked them up, and in the mid-2010's the guitarist revived it and had recorded two whole new albums by himself and was just looking for a vocalist to finish them. Then he passed away in 2019 so, as it stands, that music will be lost forever.

I guess it's just a reminder that the end is inevitable, and we should make the most of our time.

Right after I decide to swear off GameMaker does Godot decide to pull this garbage.

Remember gamers, text chat in multiplayer vidya was literally invented for the purpose of yelling "SCREW YOU FAGGOT" to other players

Woo 9 seconds E1M1. Now I wish I used a sourceport with decimal places.

>Guy who was killed at the Trump rally was Italian-American
I will not fucking stand for this continued heinous aggression towards my people

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