It is definitely Mai. Cool enough. Also no uncanny face like the majority of SF6 ladies.

Personally triggered a half-hour long spontaneous snowball fight with my college friends that are 10 years younger than me. I am so glad I had a second chance at college and to find people that don't immediately hate me and do fun things like cabin trips and diner excursions. :peepoHappy:

Wearing my Kamen Rider shirt that said "I WILL FIGHT" and my dad asks "is that some kinda Trump shit" lmao

I hate this ugly fucking monkey so much
>20 minute reaction bait for 36 seconds of concept footage

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"Not actual gameplay" but if it's anywhere as smooth this it could be sick, RGG Studio is perfect for this

Goofy goal but maybe I can beat one game a week this year. I have so much junk laying around I gotta get that gamer spirit back...

PS1 disc drive finally went kaput for good. (At least it's easy to get a new one and I have a PS2...)

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How did the Godot/Redot stuff blow over? Kinda want to try it again but idk the situation still just leaves a bad taste in my mouth

I don't really care much for New Years resolutions but January 1st is just a really convenient day to start new things...

I am back from vacation and back to stable internet, time to reply to things on the local timeline from a week ago woo

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.